I created two very simple websites on the topic of my garden. One site explained what is in the garden and the other site showed pictures of the garden.
HTML and CSS have been a challenge for me all around it seems. So, as suggested in the videos, I started my websites using the templates provided. I modified them to fit my needs so it worked out pretty well. I'm still having trouble with the formatting of my own hand done coding. This was extremely helpful.
I had a really good time playing with and getting much more comfortable with CSS and HTML using Dreamweaver. That program makes life much easier! I got prety quick with edits and restructuring.
I think this program would be awesome to use and personalize all od the different courses I could potentially teach. Linking back and forth between classes and such would be a really easy way for my students to utilize the web for educational purposes. Good times!
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1 comment:
It sounds like you're comfortable with Dreamweaver and at least some of its many tools. This software does offer a lot of flexibility and many automated feature to make life easier.
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